May you bring Jesus into every space.
May the gospel shine through you and in you in every moment, especially when grace is needed and not warranted. That you love as Christ does, making yourself a vessel for the Holy Spirit to work in you and through you.
May you be reminded of God’s kindness as you warm up and cool down, as you memorize lines, as you enter and exit the stage.
That the fruit of the spirit may come to fruition and be on display.
May you find rest in the serenity of God’s peace in the stillness of His presence. That you habitually draw near to your creator and find rest for your soul.
For anxieties to subside, for drowning thoughts to calm, for the hustle to halt.
May you seek first the kingdom above the approval of peers or creative teams.
May you see the goodness of God’s creation in your casemates.
May you love fearlessly with seasoned, truthful, gentle words.
May your voice be used for justice and mercy in the same breath.
May you remember that God in His kindness has given you good gifts.
Gifts to honor Him. Gifts to bless others. Gifts to bring joy.
Continue to come in humility, ready to serve, eager to love.
May your joy be found in Christ alone and not dependent on the things of this world. That your life be outlined in thankfulness and be an outpour of God’s provision and renewing mercies.
May the Lord, your God, your keeper, the wonderful counselor, and
greatest friend continue to be given all the glory, honor, and praise.