Yes, you read that right.
There’s nothing like an audition gone wrong. Whether you flub a lyric, forget your entire monologue or you and your accompanist are on completely different pages (literally), no one is safe from the potential mishaps in the room.
Bad auditions are great humility checks (this is kind of a joke, kind of not).
A bad audition is a good reminder of where my worth and confidence come from Christ and Christ alone. My value is not based on my gifts, on how many beats I take in my monologue, or how high I can belt.
It’s only in Jesus, and today was a good reminder of that.
If you didn’t catch the hint, I may or may not have had a bad audition recently (an hour ago, to be precise).
Let me clarify, it’s okay to be upset or to feel disappointed that things didn’t go your way, but staying in that space ultimately gives the enemy a playground to plant lies.
You are not good enough. Why would they cast you after seeing that? It’s a miracle you’ve made it this far in your career. Maybe you should just quit. Will anyone still like you if you’ve regressed? Will you ever be cast again? If you can’t perform, what are you good for?
Again, the devil is a good liar. Jesus literally calls him the father of lies (John 8:44). While I don’t know what God’s plans are for you in this industry, I do know that His plans are not dependent on how “good” you are or how good you are at auditioning.
The Lord has given us all gifts for His glory (look at Romans 12, that’s a good chunk on spiritual gifts). His timing is always good, even if it doesn’t feel good in the moment.
I’m thankful that after a bad audition, I can run to my God, my Father, and let Him take it. By that, I mean meeting God in a quiet space and giving Him control, and choosing to not worry about the outcomes.
God can have my good and my bad auditions because, at the end of the day, they’re all His to begin with. Every stanza, every memorized line, every headshot, and resume stapled together is intended to bring God glory.
Bad auditions are just a reminder that my life’s not my own, they’re a reminder that God’s love for me doesn’t change. A love that’s real, that’s radical, and that doesn’t run away when things aren’t polished or perfected.
According to the Psalms, a love that is steadfast and endures forever.
According to Jesus, a love that cares for us and provides for the lilies and sparrows, how much more will He provide for us?
If you’re someone like me, who’s found themselves in a spat of a couple of bad auditions, you’re not alone, and how much more has the Lord in store for you, and for me, that can’t be found behind an audition table (and praise God for that!)