Just like the title states. Rest, in fact, rocks.
It’s in our DNA!
God made us for rest.
God himself rested.
I believe there is a culture shift happening within the theatre industry that is pivoting towards a culture of rest. A culture that isn’t submerged in hustle, toxicity, and constantly needing to be booked. At least that is the hope!
While I was driving to work yesterday, I was praying and talking with the Lord about how I’m thankful that right now, theatre isn’t everything, and everything isn’t theatre.
Let me say that again: Theatre isn’t everything. And everything isn’t theatre.
If you received your BFA anytime within the last decade, this is a big statement!
If you’ve been anywhere in the industry or a BFA program, you’ve heard at one time or another that “if you can see yourself doing anything else. Do that!”
Which in one way….yeah. If you’d rather be doing something else, for sure!
But at the same time, most artists aren’t one-trick ponies.
God has created us so uniquely with a plethora of passions, gifts, and desires.
Also, at the end of the day, God’s will and plans go beyond just our careers.
All this to say, I’ve noticed in my friend group of performers finding the time and place for rest.
God’s rendition of rest is Sabbath. An intentional, full day of rest.
We can find a little bit of Sabbath in every day, but God himself took a full day for resting.
Unapologetically, I’m reading John Mark Comer’s The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry, and y’all.
It is so good and a beautiful reminder for the new year
(and pre-audition season for all the thespians in the room).
The best way to sum up what I’ve read so far is this:
“we have two options.
Option A: we neglect [rest], make excuses, get sucked into the rat race, and face emotional unhealth at best and “spiritual oblivion” at worst.
Or B: we recapture this ancient yet timely practice and experience the life of Jesus.” (Pg. 139-140 of JMC)
Unhurrying life is not easy. Creating restful habits is not easy.
And yet, it is vital to our spiritual heartbeat and the life of our souls.
SO! How are we to find rest amidst hustle culture?
We follow Jesus. We follow His teachings, his pathways.
A man, “who, though, was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men” (Phil. 2: 6-7, ESV).
He sought the Lord. He rested ferociously, spending the majority of His ministry in solitude with His Father, and serving others.
Jesus was, and still is the prime Sabbath example.
So, tangibly, what can this look like?
What are the things God has placed in your life that make you feel refreshed?
What are the little things in life that bring you joy?
What are ways you connect with God outside of the typical “bible, church, prayer” cycle?
Make a list! Write them down!
They don’t have to be boring or look incredibly righteous. Delighting ourselves in the Lord and the activities He’s given us the desire for are acts of worship.
This is where true rest and true joy are found.